Earth Day Writing Prompts

Earth Day Writing Prompts thumbnail

April 22nd is Earth Day! Earth Day allows us to pause and think about how we can take care of nature. To celebrate, here are some free Earth Day writing prompts to share with your child:

Family holding an Earth model made of grass.
  1. Eco-friendly means friendly or not harmful to the environment. People often describe being eco-friendly as being “green”. Why do you think they chose this color?
  2. Create your own comic strip story about a team of superheroes who are trying to save planet Earth. What might their special powers be? Be sure to include drawings for your comics!
  3. In your opinion, what does sustainability mean?
  4. Planting trees is a great way to help the environment. Imagine you planted a tree that didn’t look how you expected… draw a picture of your tree and label some of its interesting features.
  5. Can you write an acrostic poem using the word “Earth”? Remember: the first letter of each line must spell EARTH.
  6. Walking or cycling is better for the environment than traveling in a car. Can you write a short story about an imaginary eco-friendly mode of transport called ‘The Greenmobile‘? What would it look like and how might it be powered?
  7. Can you describe what the word recycle means? Make a list of all the things in your home that can be recycled.
  8. Write a newspaper article with the headline “New Species Discovered on Planet Earth.”
  9. Can you write a persuasive letter to your local mayor asking them to make the community more eco-friendly? What changes might you suggest they make?
  10. Write an adventure story in which you discover trees can talk. What do they say to you? What do different trees’ voices sound like?
  11. First, read about some environmental issues that the planet is currently facing. After that, write a report about these important issues and what we can do to help the planet.
  12. Around the world, people are trying to create ways to save water. What are some things that you can do in your household to use less water?
  13. Some people use a nickname for our planet when they say Mother Nature. Can you draw what you think Mother Nature looks like and then write a short story about how she is going to help save the Earth?
  14. Write your own story talking about what you think about Earth and nature. Do you like to play outside? Is it important to you? Tell us about it.
  15. Plastic pollution is a problem that has spread all around the world. Write a short story about a sea turtle that is making it his mission to reduce plastic pollution in the ocean.
  16. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Tell us about what your family does to help protect the Earth. Or come up with some ways that your family can be more eco-friendly.
  17. Write a letter to your future self talking about what the Earth is like right now and what you appreciate about it.
  18. Write a play about a group of animals that are hosting a party to celebrate Earth Day. Include the following party organizers in your play: a walrus, tiger, and flamingo.
  19. Have you ever had organic food? Organic food is made when we do not put any man-made chemicals in the ground to help vegetables and animals grow. Write a recipe that has only organic ingredients!
  20. Write a story about what happens when the climate changes. Imagine that there is snow in the desert and no more ice on the North pole. What happens next?
  21. Journal Prompt: Write about what you imagine the planet will look like in 2050.
  22. What are some Earth Day activities that you participate in? Do you do something special at school or at home? Or what activities would you create if you don’t currently do anything?
  23. Write a poem including the following words: plastic pollution, less water, and planet Earth.
  24. What are some fun activities that you like to do outside? Explain them to us and why you love them so much.
  25. Write a short story about a farmer that specializes in growing vegetables. One day it rains so much that it seems as though the farmer’s organic food will all disappear. What does the farmer do next?
  26. Write a thank you letter to the Earth. Talk about how much you appreciate where you live and the nature around you.

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